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9 Dos and Don’ts of Incentive Trips for Employees

Dos and Don’ts of Incentive Trips for Employees.
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    Incentivizing your employees and rewarding them for their hard work is important in any company to maintain or attract outstanding talent, build positive relationships, and boost performance.

    Incentive travel is a popular tool to accomplish all of these goals and more. Providing incentive trips for employees gives them something to strive for, they will not only feel valued for their hard work, but they will also have a purpose to push those extra sales and take their productivity to a whole new level.

    We’ve outlined some of the dos and don’ts of incentive trips for employees to get you started.

    Dos and Don’ts of Incentive Trips for Employees

    1. DO book early.

    With travel in very high demand these days, it’s important to book the trip early, especially if you know you will have a larger group.

    At Onward Travel, we are able to reserve room and flight blocks without needed names right away, which gives your employees time to work toward those spots on the leaderboard—or should we say, on the flight!

    2. DON’T stress yourself out with the trip planning.

    We are here to help! As incentive travel specialists we can help you find the perfect destination to offer your employees. From booking to travel, we’ve got you covered.

    3. DO share the details with your team as soon as possible.

    It’s important to give your employees time to reach those goals so once the trip planning is finalized, share it with everyone and publicize the excellent opportunity you have made available as a company. Get everyone excited!

    4. DON’T only invite your employee; invite their spouse or family too.

    Your team has worked hard to earn their spots on the trip, so why not let them share that with their spouse or family?

    Travel creates lasting memories and sharing these memories with family it will make the incentive all the better. Happy, productive employees are the ultimate goal!

    5. DO recognize your attendees because they worked hard to get there!

    While the trip itself is the majority of the reward, if you are gathering the top performers together as a group, you may want to consider having a special celebration.

    Let the group know how much you appreciate them with a special cocktail event or group excursion.

    6. DON’T forget to leave time for leisure activities.

    These people worked hard and deserve some time off to enjoy the trip.

    If you have other celebrations, ceremonies, or activities planned, make sure they don’t take up the entire trip. Allow the attendees time to sit back and revel in their reward.

    7. DO bring gifts or party favors.

    Show your employees your appreciation with little welcome gifts in their room upon arrival.

    Whether it’s small toiletries for the week or branded company swag, every little thought counts. And the best part is that we can help with arranging these gifts!

    8. DON’T waste this opportunity to get to know your employees.

    If the team is traveling as a group, make sure you use this time wisely to get to know your top sellers. This will create deeper loyalty to the company and build connections that may not have been built without this trip. And if their spouses or families are attending, don’t forget to get to know them as well.

    An incentive trip is the perfect opportunity to strengthen your relationship with employees and built trust within the company.

    9. DO allow yourself to relax a bit.

    If you plan to travel with your employees, give yourself a break too! When the boss is happy, so is the team.


    With all of these dos and don’ts, planning an incentive trip can seem like a daunting task, but that’s why we’re here!

    At Onward Travel, we know the ins and outs of planning a perfect trip for your employees. Incentive travel should be fun and relaxing, so that’s why we handle all of the details from planning to booking to ensuring everyone has a great time. Contact us to get started!

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