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What is a Group Travel Escort and Do You Need One?

Group Travel Escort.
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    Sometimes you just need a little extra help, especially when it comes to keeping an event or meeting organized and running smoothly. If you are considering hosting a company retreat, meeting, large destination wedding, or any other group trip, a group travel escort may be right for you.

    We’ve outlined some common questions including what a group travel escort can do for you and why it might be right for your group.

    What is a group travel escort?

    Here’s an easy one—it’s us! A group travel escort is someone from the Onward Travel team that will accompany your group to whichever destination you are traveling to.

    Usually, this will be the group travel agent that you’ve been working with for the entire process of planning, booking, and finalizing the group, but if there are any scheduling conflicts or your agent is unable to attend for any reason, we will have another member of the team join. Some groups may even require a couple of escorts and we are happy to provide that.

    What does a group travel escort do?

    Basically, your group travel escort is there to make sure that everything on-site goes smoothly and according to plan. There are many things to juggle during a large group trip including group flights, check-ins, registrations, meeting space, A/V set-up, events, banquets, cocktail parties, and much more.

    The purpose of having someone there from Onward Travel on the ground with you is to manage most of these things and be there in case of any issues. Flights could be delayed affecting airport transfers, event set-up could need a little rearranging, or A/V equipment could be missing a piece or two. You never know what could go wrong and if it does, your group travel escort is there to help.

    Additionally, chances are, your participants and guests have been working with the travel agent closely during the booking process. It’s always nice to put a friendly face to the name!

    Why would my group need a group travel escort?

    Most hotels and resorts will provide you with an on-site event planner to assist with everything, but it doesn’t hurt to have someone else there to lend a hand. Especially when that someone is the person that booked the whole thing. Your advisor will know every detail of the trip, inside and out, so having them on-site is an extra bonus to keep the entire trip on track.

    How large does my group have to be to qualify for a group travel escort?

    There is no set number of travelers when it comes to having a group travel escort. Your group could only be 12 people, but if it’s a luxury tour, a group travel escort may be ideal to promote the white glove service your travelers are expecting.

    Generally speaking, group travel escorts are chosen for larger groups that have many moving parts and sometimes two escorts are recommended to juggle it all.

    But whether or not you want your travel agent to escort the group with you is really up to you and what you think the group will need. We are happy to advise one way or another, but ultimately the decision is up to the group coordinator.

    Who pays for the group travel escort?

    In many cases, the added expense to have a group travel escort is built into the per-person cost of the trip. If you are staying at a resort that provides complimentary stays based on the number of people booked, this may also be a way to cover the cost of the group travel escort.

    For certain groups, we may cover the expenses ourselves as an agency, which we will offer as an added perk based on the number of participants that book into the group trip. Some organizations will have member dues, which pay for the escort. Alternatively, depending on who is paying for everything, the expense is built directly into the group’s master bill.

    There are many ways to ensure your group is covered with the assistance of a group travel escort! We will find a way that works best for you and your group.


    Clearly, a group travel escort is important to any group—large or small. If you want to sit back and be able to enjoy the trip with the rest of your travelers, participants, or guests we highly recommend opting for a group travel escort to take the weight off your shoulders.

    Having an experienced travel agent on-site and prepared for anything will ensure that the trip not only goes well but will also relieve some of the stress that many group coordinators feel while managing the group.

    And, after all, travel is meant to be fun and exciting! Let your group travel escort do the heavy lifting while you enjoy the trip!

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